Henley Audio Blog

10 October 2019

What Hi-Fi? Awards 2019

What Hi-Fi? have revealed their award winners of 2019 and we have received 5 of the awards this year!

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Primary E



"For purists at the head of the beginner’s vinyl revival path who have a £150 budget and aren’t fussed about features such as record ripping and automatic operation, the Pro-Ject Primary E could be just the ticket."

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Juke Box E



"The Pro-Ject Juke Box E is something of a rarity. It’s an all-in-one system that demands very few compromises, given its price. It’s also an all-in-one system that we can’t easily argue against in favour of separates. This level of functionality is difficult in the extreme to replicate using individual components at this sort of money. Plus it’s extremely convenient."

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Phono Stages


"Musical Fidelity’s MX-VYNL is as detailed, refined and articulate a phono stage as we’ve heard at this price. We revel in the Musical Fidelity’s articulate nature and its ability to combine attitude with refinement. It’s a superb balancing act."

"The Klipsch T5M Wired in-ears are up there with the very best at this kind of money and will make a big difference, whether you’re using them with a music streaming service such as Spotify or video streaming equivalents such as Netflix. They’re highly recommended."

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Quintet Blue

Moving Coil Cartridges


"Given an suitably capable system, we have no doubt the Ortofon Quintet Blue will impress. It's a well-balanced design with no obvious weaknesses. If you've always hankered after a moving coil cartridge, we can't think of an alternative we prefer."