


The X-Series is another classic range from Musical Fidelity's past. The distinctive tubular chassis and brushed aluminium fascia makes each and every model in the range immediately idenitifiable as a high-quality piece of Musical Fidelity equipment.  

Reintroduced during 2025, the latest X-Series products are designed to reimagine the original concept for the modern listener's requirements, providing interesting upgrade solutions for a reasonable price.

The new, refreshed for 2025 X-Series is based on the classic Anthony Michaelson design of the late 90's. Taking a unique, tubular design that brings with it some bold display options, and working in a plethora of hi-fi experience - this range of Musical Fidelity classics exude a reassuring sense of sturdiness and reliability.

X-Series products all feature the same brushed aluminium faceplate and black matte chassis. Uniformity is the name of the game here creating a consistent, well presented look across your whole set-up - all while providing shielding against external electromagnetic interferences. 

Internally, X-Series products are nothing short of technical genius. In each instance, ensuring the necessary components and signal paths not only physically fit within the cylindrical chassis design, but are also done so to a true hi-fi standard. Proper care, thought, and attention to detail are employed by the Musical Fidelity engineering team, as well as the benefit of vast experience gained from other smaller Musical Fidelity designs such as the MX-Series, resulting in a technically correct range of devices that will have your system singing.